Sorry about not posting for some time. Usual excuse, I've been busy. March, April, May is the busy season for my business, and my wife and I are trying to sell our house and move. No need to tell me about the real estate market... At any rate, I've been flying a little, but just enough to keep the rust off.
The move is cutting into my flying budget, at least until I know where I stand. I had planned on getting a tail wheel endorsement this summer, but that may have to wait a bit. I'm flying every other week, and that seems to keep me comfortable in the left seat.
I did get in one cross country flight to Wauchula (CHN) and Avon Park (AVO). Other than that, I've just been taking friends sightseeing. It is more fun taking pax than flying alone. Who knows, I might get in a few more adventures this summer!
Spite: it gets things done.
4 months ago