Friday, June 12, 2009

Rain outs and practice time.

I haven't had much luck flying for the past few weeks. One practice session got rained out, and a planned trip with my wife to Sebring (SEF) for breakfast was cancelled because of thunderstorms along the route. I did get back into the air on Tuesday. Performed my stalls and slow flight for the first time in a while. The maneuvers felt strange, but everything else was good. The pattern at Whitted was busy and my landings were good, so I taxied back to the ramp happy.

Now for the fun news. We're driving to Tennessee the end of this month to visit my mother and brother. While there I though I might get in a little bit of flying, so I called the Knoxville Flight Training Center at Knoxville Downtown Island airport (DKX) to arrange things. I spoke to Brandon, who was very helpful and have schedule a mountain flying lesson during my vacation. I can't wait. We plan on flying to Jackson County (24A) and getting some landings in there. Check out this airport:
That's just too cool to pass up. Hopefully, we'll have good weather. My brother is going along and he should have some pics for the report.