I talked to the
DPE (designated pilot examiner) this morning and scheduled my check-ride for Thursday, the 12
th. I need to plan a one way cross-country flight to Marathon and work out the weight and balance calculations in preparation. I have two solo practice sessions scheduled between now and the check-ride, and I'm feeling pretty confident. Hopefully, the weather will hold and all will go as scheduled.
Alright, now that it's official... GOOD LUCK! :)
Good Luck!
I strongly recommend a good night's sleep beforehand, and a light meal beforehand - but I bet you won't need luck, as it sounds like you're already prepared and will do fine!
I certainly hope to get a good night's sleep, although that can be kind of random. I'm not at all worried about this ride. The flight with the FAA was a big deal. If I had managed to mess that one up, I would have been done. So, I will be prepared, but I'm feeling no pressure.
You're my hero...you'll be an instructor before I'm even finished!
Good luck - you'll do great!
I doubt that. Although, I am planning on getting a complex endorsement as soon as I have my PPL. The club/FBO has an Archer and an Arrow. I asked my instructor about getting checked out on the Archer and he told me that I might as well get the complex in the Arror, then I could fly either.
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